

Somewhere along river Nederrijn, in a squatted piece of forest, a small community of creatives tries to make the best out of this already apocalyptic (and soon to be worse) world we live in. Living off the grid forces them to come up with creative solutions, which will come in handy as events continue to unfold unpredictably. Inspired by solarpunk, which portrays a future in which there is still hope for humankind to work together with nature, this community tries to use its optimism to strive for a better world. Their terrain known as Ppauw! offers a green and peaceful backdrop for this year’s AnarchaFolkFest. 



We’ve had several messages about physical tickets not arriving. No need to worry! There will be no physical tickets, nor e-tickets for you to print out. We work with names and order numbers, so make sure you have your order number at hand on arrival. You will receive a wristband at the entrance.

Selling tickets // scammers

We’ve seen people offering tickets for sale on fb, most of those were scammers. In case you want to sell a ticket, please contact us. We’ll sort it out together 🙂

Ticket prices
So, as we heard from several people who didn’t buy a ticket because it was too expensive for them, we want to clear up a few things about the ticket prices. And specifically, clarify that you can always buy a ticket with a pricing of our own choice.

We are doing our best to keep the cost of organizing this fest, and the accessibility of this festival low. That said, prices, of everything, have gone up in the last couple of years. Especially gas money for musicians has gone up, with the rise of energy prices. As our biggest expense for organizing this festival is paying musicians, the recommended ticket prices have also gone up. Which leaves us with a recommended price of 100,- euro. A lot of money! But, considering we are putting up about 30 bands, that’s only about €3,33 a band!

Still we know this is just not something we can afford, so if you want to get a ticket, but determine your own price, scroll down to find out how to do that and pay another price than one of the set prices on our sliding scale.

As we know that a lot of people within our anarchist circles are not used to these prices, a few words on money;

Where do we spend the money?
Well, first of all, bands and other acts. We want to compensate bands properly, and would like to be able to give bands more than just gas money. Other costs we have for organising are tents, so in case of rain we will have shelter. Also, the permit for organising this festival costs money, and some infrastructure costs us money. If we happen to scrape in more than we need to just cover the cost, we aim to give a little extra to the acts, and donate the rest to a Palestine solidarity fund.

Pricing choices
We want to keep this festival accessible, so we don’t want to tell you exactly how much you spend on tickets. We don’t know your financial situation, so we trust you to make a judgement on what would be reasonable for you. We do however have costs, and we cannot organise this if we don’t know if we can cover the costs. So on average we would need people to pay about €100,- to €150,- per weekend ticket. Some people can spend a bit more than that, some people can spend a little less. So we are offering tickets on a sliding scale of €75,- / €100,- / €150,- / €200,-

One way to look at this is:

Donations for those for whom €75,- is too much. You are still welcome to join!

If you get a €75,- ticket you pay the minimum to help make AFF happen.

If you get a €100,- ticket you pay what we need to get on average to cover our costs

If you get a €150,- ticket you pay a little extra, so others can get a €75,- ticket

If you get a €200,- ticket you pay it forward, and make sure that someone who has very little money to spare, can also have a great time at the fest.

(if you have a steady job with regular income, please consider paying those last two prices)


Free Palestine statement

Statement: Free Palestine!
As anarchists we oppose any form of oppression, colonialism and racism. Genocide deniers, please stay away. Wether you deny the holocaust, or Israel’s current genocide and colonization of Palestine. So just to be clear: no, it is not “complicated”, there is a blatant genocide taking place under our eyes, and white European governments and societies are complicit by sending weapons and politically supporting Israel. One genocide does not negate the other. The holocaust does not justify the colonization, oppression and massacre of another people. It really is not ‘complicated’.

If you do not oppose the Israeli regime to the core, or believe that “but Hamas” justifies the current massacre in Palestine, maybe reconsider your politics, and definitely reconsider coming to this festival.

Water & electricity

Both water and electricity are very limited at Ppauw. Please bring your own means for electricity, like power banks, and bring jerry cans for water to drink and shower, if possible. Water will be provided in two big water tanks.

Time schedule

The fest officially opens on Friday and closes on Sunday but, if you come from far, you are welcome to arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday. Please note that if you arrive on Thursday, we hope you will help with the finishing touches of the fest organisation, as this is explicitly not a party night.

Mornings and early afternoons will be full of interesting workshops of all kinds, please stay tuned for the programme! In the afternoon the music and arts programme will start and continue until midnight. After the last band has played, we expect everyone to respect the wishes of the people who live on Ppauw, which means low-noise and no late-night festivities. Our focus is on the programme during the day.

Food & Drinks

Action kitchen Rampenplan is cooking for us!

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday they will prepare both lunch and dinner, and they do so without asking money for their time and equipment. So, even though we don’t have a fixed price to tell you yet, we can tell you there will be good vegan food for the lowest price possible. 

.Please note that you will have to purchase a food ticket per day or for the weekend. If you have any intolerances or special needs, you might want to bring your own food.

There will be plenty of non-alcoholic drinks and locally brewed organic beers for sale.

Alcohol and drugs

We’d like to emphasize that AFF is primarily intended to be a fun get-together for the anarcha folk scene, and not a get-pissed-and-make-noise-all-night festival. To maintain a respectful and safe environment for all attendees, we urge you to think about how to limit your usage of substances, so we can focus on a positive collective experience of music, workshops, and social events, and also remain family-friendly.

After the last band has played, we expect everyone to respect the wishes of the people who live on Ppauw, which means low-noise and no loud all-night festivities. Our focus is on the awesome programme during the day.

As we know that under the influence our judgment and inhibitions are compromised, this is when it is extra important to be mindful of your behavior, as it becomes extra easy to be unaware of crossing someones’ boundaries. We would like to ask everyone in general to be moderate with their alcohol intake. We all want to have a good time, and even though sometimes it feels like excessive alcohol use increases that, often it doesn’t. Of course excessive alcohol use doesn’t always lead to bad experiences, but bad experiences are often accompanied by excessive alcohol use.


Dogs and other pets

The location is a solarpunk community situated nearby a natural reserve. We urge you to find an option to leave your animals at home. This will increase the safety of the animals already on-premises, but also for people who feel less comfortable around your companion(s).


Parking space is super limited at Ppauw, but there is a parking lot not too far from the terrain. The parking lot is next to Sportpark de Zoom, at 1,5 km from Ppauw. If a 1,5 km walk is not a problem for you, consider parking here, so the limited places at Ppauw can be used by people for whom that distance is more of a problem. If you for any reason do need to park on site, please send us an email or message on socials.

It is possible to drop off your luggage and passengers at the site, before you park your car of course.

The address of the parking space nearby is:

NOTE: This is NOT a camping space!

Sportpark De Zoom

Zoomweg 8

6704 PE Wageningen



Please understand that we want everyone to feel welcome, but the terrain of Ppauw itself is limited in its accessibility.

Here’s a little overview of accessibility of the fest:

  • The entrance of the terrain is 350m from the nearest bus stop “Wageningse Berg”
  • The terrain is very irregular. It’s not easy to get around on crutches or by wheelchair
  • Foot paths will be illuminated
  • There is a low stimuli camping (low noise, no flashing lights, far from stages)
  • There will be low stimuli spaces, both indoors and outdoors
  • There’s space to regulate yourself: feel free to fidget/stim or walk away during a workshop
  • There is refrigeration available for medicines
  • There will be chairs with backrests available
  • All workshops will be done outdoors under tents, so with plenty of fresh air
  • Assistant dogs are welcome
  • All food will be vegan. In case you have specific dietary needs, get in touch with us, or don’t pay for meals and bring your own.
  • People with lower mobility, can park at Ppauw (please contact us to book a parking spot)
  • There will be a family camping and a kids programme
  • Smoking only in designated smoking areas
  • There will be FLINTA toilets
  • There are no wheel-chair accessible toilets
  • Everything will be in English
  • We don’t provide translations, nor sign interpreters (if you can offer sign interpretation, let us know!)
  • There will be a First Aid tent
  • There will be a conflict resolution team


If there are any other special needs you have, please contact us latest on Wednesday 17th 12:00.


A very important part of the AFF has always been the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) component. The ticket price you have paid is a contribution in making the event possible. The ticket sales and proceeds that come from sales of food and beverages ALL go to the bands primarily, infrastructure, and technicians. If we have any leftover money, we will donate it to a good cause. Please note that the people who are organising AFF do not get paid in any way.

With that said, we hope you will join your comrades in volunteer work during the festival. Whether it is supplying toilet paper to the toilets, cleaning out garbage cans, doing the dishes, welcoming people at the info tent, etc., there are many small tasks that need to be done every day. If we all pitch in a little bit of time and effort, everyone’s festival experience will be amazing!


Since we are trying to discourage people from coming by motorized vehicle, but public transport is expensive too, we are trying to connect those looking for a ride and those offering one. We set up a sheet for you to find each other: 


Expectation management

We are gathering a wide anarcha folk scene at AFF, and this is not a homogenous group of

people with the same set of norms, so expect to also encounter different opinions.

For example, there might be people who are hurt by seeing white dreads. Or people who would prefer others not to go topless, as long as it is still not safe for everyone to be topless.

As anarchists we can not, and will not, enforce any behavior from other people. But we would like to ask you to be mindful of others, open to their perspective and experience, and mindful of your own privilege.

We would like to encourage everyone to talk to each other about these types of topics. When you feel you need help talking to someone, feel free to approach someone from the organization to see if there is someone who can help.

Consent & boundaries

Please respect each others’ boundaries, and realize that others might have other boundaries than you. We highly value checking for consent in any interaction, but especially with people you just met. Of course we all want to have pictures and movie clips as memories from the great time we are going to have together, but don’t forget to check with the people in your shot if it is ok to take it. Also in any physical interaction please check if the other appreciates it, from a hand on someone’s shoulder to a hug or a kiss. Make a habit of asking if it is appreciated.



Limited Availability // Contribution according to capacity


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